Danshen Pill is derived from a famous formula containing three important Chinese herbs: Danshen, Sanqui and Borneol. This formula is widely used in China to improve microcirculation and shows significant efficacy. Furthermore, it has been successfully developed into a new product (Danshen Pill) by a well-known health dealer – TCM, which is famous for its advanced technology, excellent service and high quality products. Danshen Pill is your best choice to protect your heart.

Danshen, Know as Salviae Miltiorrhizae
This is derived from the dry root and rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhiza, which belongs to labiate. In traditional Chinese medicine, Danshen has been used to prevent and treat heart conditions and strokes. Results from animal and human studies support these uses to some extent because Danshen is known to improve blood circulation and widen blood vessels, especially those around the heart.

Notoginseng root (San qi)
This is a frequently prescribed herb in Chinese medicine as a general tonic, or a medicine as a general tonic, or a medicine to tone and strengthen the entire system. One of China’s most famous herbalists said that the root was “more valuable than gold”. Notoginseng is revealed to benefit for the heart and circulatory system. It appears to increase blood flow to the coronary arteries, which are the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. Heart disease usually results from blockages in the coronary arteries. Notoginseng also seems to increase the consumption of oxygen by the muscles in the heart. These actions have the effect of lowering blood pressure and regulating the rhythm of the heart.

This is actually a compound derived from dryobalanops aromitaca, a tree that belongs to the teak family. The compound is formed by tapping the trunk of the tree, then cooling the substance and allowing it to harden into a clear crystalline substance. Borneol is used to promote drug biological availability.

1.     Improve micro-circulation dysfunction induced by ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) through multiple mechanisms.

Reperfusion injury refers to damage to tissue caused when blood supply returns to the tissue after a period of ischemia. The absence of oxygen and nutrients from blood creates a condition in which the restoration of circulation results in inflammation and oxidative damage through the induction of oxidative stress rather than restoration of normal function.

The efficient components in Danshen Pill are DLA and PNS, which are extracted from Saliva Miltiorrhiza and Radix Notoginseng. Their functions are listed as follows.

DLA (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl lactic acid)
v Block leukocyte’s adhesion on venules.
v Inhibit the production of peroxide on venule wall.
v Inhibit mastocyte degranulation in mesentery interstitium.
v Reduce plasma albumin leakage
v Counteract platelet aggregation.
v Lower blood viscosity

PNS (Panax notoginseng saponins)
v Block and dissociate leukocyte’s adhesion on blood vessel endotheliocyte.
v Inhibit mastocyte degranulation.
v Protect myocardial cells by decrease myocardial oxygen consumption.
v Anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, protect vascular endothelial cells from damage and inhibit the information of artery atheromatous plaque.

2.     Improve Micro-Circulation
Compared with Doxium (Ca dobesilate), DPC shows a more remarkable improvement in sight vision, gray value of vision field, retinal micrangium tumor and small ecchymosis.

v New preparation makes quick absorption possible.
v Well-selected materials makes high efficacy possible.
v A large number of laboratory and clinic researches ensure high safety and reliability.

v Heart pain, chest distress, panic and other symptoms related to coronary heart disease.
v Numbness, blurred vision and other symptoms related to poor microcirculation.
v High blood lipid, high blood pressure and other symptoms related to diabetes.

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