Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for our body’s growth and development. It is the one needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. Vitamin C is also one of the most common anti-oxidants that help protect our body from damages caused by free radicals

Top 10 Benefits of  Vitamin – C:  
    o   It helps treat common colds
    o   It supports the repair and cure of damaged skin
    o   It helps heal wounds
    o   Helps in stress management
    o   Improves blood circulation
    o   Lowers cholesterol levels
    o   Lowers the risk of having cardiovascular problems
    o   Regulates blood sugar levels
    o   Significantly improves the immune system
    o   Weight management

Note: Lack of Vitamin C may lead to many severe complications. Since it is not produced by our body, eating foods that are rich in Vitamin C and taking supplements is highly recommended in order to maintain a healthy body and avoid diseases.
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